- Dr. Andrew St. Bernard

Did you know how absolutely incredible you are? This is not meant to be an ego feeding statement necessarily, but it's true - you and your body are amazing! There are trillions of cells in your body that are carefully orchestrating tasks of which you aren't even aware. Your body is cleaning out dead cells and replacing them. It's filtering the things we want (glucose, ketones, oxygen, minerals, vitamins, etc.) from the things we don’t want (urea, carbon dioxide, and other metabolic wastes). It’s creating energy with the cell’s mitochondria, and seeking out and destroying foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses with it’s intricate immune response. In fact, your body is so incredible that you don’t even need to tell it how to do these things. Isn’t that amazing? That’s why the system that has all these processes and more under it’s control is called the “AUTOnomic Nervous System”... and this is just scratching the surface on the topic! Did you know that aside from the amazing intricacies of your automated body, you also have a choice when it comes to how your body operates? For example, essential vitamins are called essential because our body doesn’t make them - you need to get them from your diet, so YOU have a choice in the matter. You can also choose to workout, drink more water, get a chiropractic adjustment, and have a great conversation with a loved one too if you want. You can choose who you spend your time with, and who you give your attention to.

There are two truths to embrace when it comes to who you are. The first is that you are made in God’s image with such incredible detail and wisdom that you are already blessed just being a living breathing human. The second is that you are not a product of your circumstances. You have a choice, and that choice can have a profound impact either to build you up, or break you down. I hope this word helps you realize your value, and inspires you to build on it.  

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